Nobile 1942
Il Giardino delle Delizie

Top Notes
La fragranza si apre con una miscela esotica di legno di rosa - davana - zafferano - prugna e latte di mandorla - che cattura l'essenza seducente e indulgente del pannello centrale.
Heart Notes
Il cuore è un lussuoso bouquet di tuberosa - gelsomino sambac - osmanto - rosa - narciso e immortelle. Queste note si intrecciano per creare un nucleo complesso e sensuale - che rispecchia la natura erotica e sontuosa dei piaceri rappresentati.
Base Notes
La base della fragranza è una miscela ricca e profonda di benzoino - mirra - styrax - orris fusion - kashmir fusion - camoscio - vetiver - ambra e muschio - Questa combinazione riflette la transizione verso il pannello finale del trittico - dove la scena si sposta verso un concerto demoniaco - con gli strumenti musicali che diventano mezzi di inflizione.
Il Giardino Delle Delizie, belonging to the Floral Fruity olfactory family, is a fragrance that delves into the surreal and complex world of Hieronymus Bosch's "The Garden of Earthly Delights." Displayed in the El Prado Museum in Madrid, this triptych is celebrated for its intricate symbolism, satirically representing humanity's vices and perversions as per medieval Christian doctrine.
Fragrance Story:
This scent draws inspiration from the central panel of the triptych, where earthly pleasures and love are depicted through exotic animals symbolizing lust, a multitude of nude figures in erotic abandon, and others in chrysalis form, being fed cherries and strawberries by birds - fruits known for their aphrodisiac properties.
Top Notes: The fragrance opens with an exotic blend of rosewood, davana, saffron, plum, and almond milk, capturing the seductive and indulgent essence of the central panel.
Heart Notes: The heart is a luxurious bouquet of tuberose, jasmine sambac, osmanthus, rose, narcissus, and immortelle. These notes intertwine to create a complex and sensual core, mirroring the erotic and lavish nature of the depicted pleasures.
Base Notes: The base of the fragrance is a rich and deep blend of benzoin, myrrh, styrax, orris fusion, kashmir fusion, suede, vetiver, amber, and musk. This combination reflects the transition to the final panel of the triptych, where the scene shifts to a demonic concert, with musical instruments becoming means of infliction.
Fragrance Family: Floral Fruity
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