L'Eau Maliz
Church Bells

Top Notes
Il viaggio inizia con l'aroma mistico dell'Incenso e del Palo Santo - note che si elevano verso l'alto - portando con sé preghiere e meditazioni - Queste essenze sacre preparano l'animo all'ascolto e alla riflessione - invitando a un dialogo interiore con il divino
Heart Notes
Al cuore del profumo - il Miele Acido introduce una dolcezza complessa e avvolgente - che bilancia la spiritualità con un tocco di terrenalità - Il Legno di Betulla - con la sua freschezza pulita e leggermente affumicata - ricorda le panche cerate delle chiese - evocando un senso di comfort e appartenenza
Church Bells by L'Eau Maliz, a fragrance that captures the essence of a moment of revelation and profound spirituality. This elixir is a celebration of sudden enlightenment, when everything becomes clear and simple, and a higher love calms anxiety and simplifies the complicated. Church Bells is an invitation to immerse yourself in spirituality, to make every moment of life sacred.
This special fragrance evokes the intimacy of an inner sanctuary, where the sound of bells heralds a moment of quiet and contemplation. It is the aroma of transcendence, which transforms ordinary spaces into places of spiritual refuge and inner peace.
The journey begins with the mystical aroma of Incense and Palo Santo, notes that rise upwards, bringing with them prayers and meditations. These sacred essences prepare the soul for listening and reflection, inviting an internal dialogue with the divine.
At the heart of the perfume, Sour Honey introduces a complex and enveloping sweetness, which balances spirituality with a touch of earthliness. Birch wood, with its clean and slightly smoky freshness, is reminiscent of waxed church pews, evoking a sense of comfort and belonging.
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